Friday, April 10, 2009

On Song Fu

For those of you who I have not raved about this yet, you should check out the Masters of Song Fu section over at QuickStop Entertainment... and while you're there, check out the Ken P.D. Snydecast, which is my current podcast of choice.

Song Fu is like Iron Chef for songwriting... every round, the contestants are given instructions for a song to write... past examples have been:

Write a song using exactly 10 different words
Write a song with the title "(The Ballad of) Rufus Amos Adams"
Write a happy song
Write a song about the moon

You can still listen to the past entrys on the site, and there's a round currently going. It's definitely worth checking out. Not all the songs are awesome, but there are enough gems in there that I'm not going to call out only a few, for fear you'll miss the others.

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