Tuesday, April 7, 2009

On the Twitterati

In last week's podcast, Paul and Storm were discussing the current batch of people who are "Internet famous" and what to call them, the theory being that it's best to come up with a name for them before the media does. So, I'm throwing this out to the people reading me (all, what, 2 of you?) Since every batch of quasi-celebrities seems to have a group moniker attached to them, mostly referencing the Rat Pack (e.g. The Brat Pack, The Frat Pack), what do you call the geek celebrities of the current era (and if you don't get who I mean, I'll be offering up a list below).

The three ideas I've heard have been:

The Mac Pack
The Twitterati
and the Baud Squad.

I am trusting in my friends' creative abilities to come up with something better!

Also, who would you put into that group? The "canonical" examples seem to be Felicia Day, Jonathan Coulton, John Hodgman, Wil Wheaton, and Gabe & Tycho (of Penny Arcade fame). I would add Stephen Fry to the list, as well, though you don't hear him come up nearly as often.

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